1 Week Volunteer Program
Gain first-hand experience with chimpanzee behavior at Ngamba Island, immerse yourself in the activities required to care for these individuals, and learn in-depth about the threats and work to conserve their wild relatives.
By participating in this program, you will join a dedicated team devoted to the ongoing health and welfare of Ngamba Island’s resident wildlife and in turn, help us achieve our mission to educate the public about the importance of chimpanzees…our closest living relatives.
Volunteer Activities:
- Food Preparation
- Chimpanzee Feeding
- Assisting in Medical Procedures (only if necessary during your one week stay)
- Cleaning Chimp Nighttime Holding Facility
- Carrying out Enrichment Exercises for Chimps
- Collecting Behavioral Data & Typing up Records (chimp diaries)
- Support Maintenance of Island Facilities
- Enjoying Island Wildlife
To book your trip contact us at: reservations@ngambaisland.org