It’s Finally Here!!! World Chimpanzee Day 14th July 2019
The Chimpanzee Trust is set to join the International Community to celebrate World Chimpanzee day in honor of human kinds’ closest living relative as DBE. Dr. Jane Goodall said, “In what terms should we think of these beings, nonhuman yet possessing so very many human-like characteristics? How should we treat them? On this World Chimpanzee Day we should treat them with the same consideration and kindness as we show to other humans; and as we recognize human rights, so too should we recognize the rights of the great apes? Yes!?”
Chimpanzee Trust is a registered Non-Governmental Organization that manages Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary on Lake Victoria, home to 49 chimpanzees and also undertakes activities of environmental conservation education, chimpanzee habitat restoration and improving livelihoods of local communities living alongside chimpanzee populations.
Join us this World Chimpanzee Day to celebrate the chimpanzee and an opportunity to raise awareness about their plight. Whatever you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.”
This year’s International goals for World Chimpanzee Day are;
- Celebrate our closest living relatives in the animal kingdom.
- Share understanding and inspiration by educating a global audience about their importance and similarities to humans.
- Raise awareness about threats they face in the wild including habitat loss, diseases, and wildlife trafficking, promote their proper care in captive situations.
As Chimpanzees are continuously threatened by habitat loss, disease, wildlife trafficking, and illegal hunting, this year’s World Chimpanzee Day provides the ideal opportunity for Chimpanzee Trust to focus its commitment to reduce conflicts between chimpanzees and humans as part of its mission to sustainably conserve chimpanzees in their natural habitat and provide optimum captive care to those that cannot survive in the wild.
In commemoration of the World Chimpanzee Day, Chimpanzee Trust is engaging with stakeholders and the conservation journalist in ao one day visit to our project site in the Albertine region, to give them an understanding of the efforts being made by the communities towards conserving the chimpanzee habitats and to mitigate Human-Wildlife Conflict in the Albertine Rift.
Champion the conservation of chimpanzee by helping us raise $3500 to save the chimpanzee habitants via these link for tax deductible
For more information please contact


Swetha says
August 28, 2019 at 7:45 amI want to work for conservation of chimpanzee. Regards, swetha.G India 040 91_ 9885257246
Swetha says
August 28, 2019 at 7:45 amI want to work for conservation of chimpanzee. Give me a chance to work for them Regards, swetha.G India 040 91_ 9885257246