About 40,000 hectares of natural forests are lost every year in Uganda alone, because of deforestation. 60 percent of this is in Chimpanzee Habitat. We encourage those visiting the Island to plant a tree in an effort to support restoration efforts in the Albertine Rift Area. You may also adopt a tree/tress for the conservation […]

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  • world chimpanzee day

    World Chimpanzee Day 14th July 2019

    It’s Finally Here!!! World Chimpanzee Day 14th July 2019 The Chimpanzee Trust is set to join the International Community to celebrate World Chimpanzee day in honor of human kinds’ closest living relative as DBE. Dr. Jane Goodall said, “In what terms should we think of these beings, nonhuman yet possessing so very many human-like characteristics? […]

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  • Team building activity at Ngamba island

    Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships. Team building activity at Ngamba Island was the first of its kind to Chimpanzee Trust, members, were curious to know how the experience runs. The day begun with heavy droppings of rain thus a cold morning however, the team was set ready to be a part […]

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  • Familiarization Trips to Ngamba Island

    #Traveling leaves you speechless, then turns you into a #storyteller – Hilaire Bellico. This year Chimpanzee Trust hosted familiarization trips to Ngamba Island in partnership with Association of Uganda Tour Operators (AUTO) and Uganda Tourism Board. From January 2019 we have so far arranged four familiarization trips to Ngamba Island with a total of  82 safari planners, tour […]

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    A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies . . . The man who never reads lives only one. – George R.R. Martin Chimpanzee Trust will be using a book entitled ”I protect Chimpanzees” to create awareness about the chimpanzee specie. Its a children’s book that encourages children to take an active role in […]

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  • Enterprise and Business Development Consultancy

    Consultant: Enterprise and business development Consultant Department: Conservation Program: Field Conservation Project number: 25-028 Location: Hoima, Uganda Duration of assignment: 30 days Expected Start Date of Assignment: June 10, 2019 Title: Terms of Reference for Enterprise and business development consultancy for the “Community adaptability to loss occasioned by wildlife in Uganda.” project. Introduction/Background: Chimpanzee Sanctuary […]

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  • Staff Exchange program at Ngamba Island

    Chimpanzee Trust offers the staff exchange program at Ngamba Island with sanctuaries all around the globe. The staff exchange program at Ngamba Island enables chimpanzee trust to pass onto knowledge about the chimpanzee plight. This is through care, observation, environmental enrichment for chimpanzees. This year we have hosted hosted Animal Keepers from Second Chance Chimpanzee […]

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  • Why choose to visit Ngamba Island Chimps?

    Easter Gateway at Ngamba Island Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary will give you the pleasure to enjoy your Easter in comfort and luxury away from the busy life of the city. You are guaranteed to find the most tailored option to make your stay in Ngamba Island one of the greatest. Simply book your Easter Holiday […]

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  • Bugoma Forest River Conservation

    USE OF INCENTIVES TO CONSERVE RIVERS IN BUGOMA FOREST Chimpanzee Trust with funding from the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) is providing a solution to the problem. The Trust has been implementing the “Piloting a Scalable PES Model to Conserve Bugoma Forest Ecosystem” project since January 2018 in 4 villages where River Rutoha (one of […]

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  • research

    Happy International Day of Forests!

    “International Day of Forests 2019: Theme ‘Forests and Education” Chimpanzee Trust joins the international community to celebrate “forests”, the lungs of the earth, home to wildlife including our closest relative the eastern Chimpanzee species, and livelihood source for local communities. Today we join the global community to raise awareness on how to sustainably manage forests […]

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