The Chimpanzee Trust, through the Pan African Sanctuary Alliance (PASA), has entered into a 5-year agreement with the Greater Good Foundation to plant, monitor and grow 240,000 tree seedlings in the chimpanzee corridors in the North Albertine region in western Uganda. In the recent planting season, 40,000 seedlings were distrcbuted to 61farmers in Kikuube and Hoima Districts. These farmers were given 20,000 indigenous tree species for restoration purposes and 20,000 exotic tree species (pine and Eucalyptus) for woodlot establishment to reduce the pressure they exert on the Private Forests and some Central Forest Reserves.
In the last month, the Trust staff has continued to monitor the performance of the seedlings planted, compliance to best plating practices, mapping and recording success rates. The team also provides technical guidance and advice to ensure survivability of the seedlings.
Throughout the monitoring, the farmers were optimistic and are willing to plant more trees once the seedlings are given to them since tree planting /re-afforestation will help reduce Human-Wildlife Conflicts in these communities. As Chimpanzee Trust, we intend to distribute at least 100,000 tree seedlings to different farmers annually. This is only possible through the support of our friends and donors. Together we can restore forests in Uganda.
Forest restoration in Kikuube and Hoima District