Chimpanzee Trust was established in 1998 as a combined national and international initiative and a globally recognized collaborative conservation effort, geared towards developing and implementing a long term strategy for conservation of chimpanzees and their habitat. Chimpanzee Trust is registered with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, National NGO Board, Registration Number S.5914/6349 as a Non-Governmental Organisation and in the process of registering also under the Trustees Incorporation Act.
The vision of the Trust is Chimpanzees are secured in their natural habitats
The mission is to promote chimpanzee conservation and environmental management for sustainable development.
The core values are:
- Dedication to the welfare of chimpanzees as individuals as well as species
- Application of good science
- Integrity that earns trust
- Teamwork and partnership
- Effectiveness and Efficiency
Our strategic objectives are:
SO 1: Sanctuaries provided to rescued chimpanzees and other wildlife
SO 2: Conservation of chimpanzee populations in the wild and their habitats enhanced
SO 3: Public and stakeholder appreciation and understanding of chimpanzee and environmental conservation increased
SO 4: Organization and management of Chimpanzee Trust enhanced
Over the years, Chimpanzee Trust has established itself as one of the leading institutions in the conservation of chimpanzees in Uganda.
The Chimpanzee Trust is governed by the Board of Trustees. Some of the Trustees are persons nominated and serving, on a voluntary basis representing institutions and some are in their individual capacities and independent of the institutions they work for, represent or are affiliated to. The institutions and individuals suitable to serve as Trustees should possess the following credentials, among others:
- Professional experience relevant to the mission and objectives of Chimpanzee Trust
- Personal interest, commitment, availability and willingness to serve voluntarily
- High integrity and ethical conduct
- Capacity to serve independent of other institutional affiliations
- Not currently holding political office, not running for elective political office and not directly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office
- Law abiding with no criminal record.
The public notice is intended to request for nomination of individuals and institutions to serve as Trustees to the Board of Trustees of the Chimpanzee Trust. The nominations received by Chimpanzee Trust will be vetted by a Committee composed of the Board of Trustees. The shortlisted candidates will be subjected to due diligence processes before a final selection is conducted by the Board of Trustees.
It is against this background that you are requested to participate in the nomination process for the Trustees of Chimpanzee Trust. Refer to the terms of reference provided herewith for further information on their expected roles and responsibilities.
For all nominees, please use the candidate nomination form (attached/ forwarded) to provide their particulars and to state why you think they make good candidates as Chimpanzee Trust Trustees.
You are free to nominate any mature person from within or outside Uganda as long as s/he can be identified with the purpose of Chimpanzee Trust. Chimpanzee Trust would like to assure you that your nomination and correspondence on this matter will be treated with the appropriate level of confidentiality. Chimpanzee Trust reserves the right to contact the candidate and any references mentioned in the nomination form and Chimpanzee Trust may seek clarification from you wherever necessary.
The nomination form and Terms of Reference can be downloaded here.
Candidate Nomination Form-1, TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR TRUSTEES
Once again, it is a pleasure to request you for assistance with this important matter and look forward to receiving your response not later than 4th September 2017.
Address your nominations to: The Executive Director, Chimpanzee Sanctuary and Wildlife Conservation Trust, Plot 1 Bank Close, P.O Box 884, Entebbe; Email. Copy Email to




Osang aggrey othieno says
July 31, 2017 at 1:00 am0782071461/0701786146
Tuhamire Robert Klif says
July 31, 2017 at 8:32 amI have out standing experience with conservation background and am a member of Nature Uganda , graduate of Chrested crane Tourism School and Cyprus institute of Marketing and currently a board member at UCTU ltd
araali moses says
August 2, 2017 at 7:22 amBut education is vital.Thanks.
denis mutayomba says
August 9, 2017 at 8:42 amgood idea to support the family of chimps people should learn to control those bush fire avoid smoking as touring through our forest setting bush fire and arson others travel from overseas to come and take alook at chimps we must defend their existence