Chimpanzee Trust through the Ngamba Island school visit provides an opportunity for young people to share experiences, (through linking up schools, promoting volunteers and internship), skills, values and norms that will improve the conservation of endangered species. Ngamba Island school visit further provide an opportunity for young professionals to acquire experience and participate in fields of their profession while building and contributing to the conservation of natural resources of Uganda.
School Day Visits:
Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary offers a rich variety of formal programming to meet your curriculum needs for primary, secondary and specialized tertiary institutions of learning, including onsite classes and tours. These curriculum-focused programs provide numerous possibilities for learning science, social studies, geography and specific themes for students relating to the current threats to chimpanzees, the wildlife conservation efforts aimed at reversing the trend and the direct actions students can take to get involved
Student Overnight Camping:
Ngamba Island offers sanctuary adventures for children aged 10 – 17 during school breaks. All adventures are 3-day-long courses with different themes designed to spur the understanding, appreciation of chimpanzee behaviour and global environmental issues as well as develop practical skills for active conservation efforts. Campers learn from our experienced staff including the caregivers, educators and veterinarians all in simple but fun experiences. Each child will go away inspired to be an environmental steward and ready to make a difference in the world
Family Nature Days
Ngamba Island offers sanctuary adventures for family groups including children and adults. These tailor-made visits include fun educative activities aimed at promoting the appreciation of nature and engage families in being stewards of the environment. Family members learn from our experienced staff including the caregivers, educators and veterinarians all in simple but fun experiences. Please contact us to book for a family trip at Ngamba island.