• School Outreach Program

    Chimpanzee Trust’s school outreach program is aimed at passing conservation knowledge to the future generation. This has been done through enhancing schools’ participation in conservation education activities at the local, national and international level.The school outreach program is done in three (3) operational areas these are schools neighboring Ngamba Island

  • Darwin Initiative

    ”Community Adaptability To Loss Occasioned By Wildlife in Uganda” 2018 – 2021 Chimpanzee Trust is implementing the “Community Adaptability to Loss Occasioned by Wildlife project in Uganda” Project with financial support from Darwin Initiative. The project is aimed at establishing a community resilient fund to provide sustainable financing for the

  • Conservation


    Chimpanzee Trust has established a chimp monitoring system that is implemented by trained personnel from the local communities. This is being done in 5 sub-counties in Hoima and Masindi districts. The purpose is to understand chimp distribution and chimp movement in private forests and relate it with any proposed plan

  • Conservation

    Field Programme

    Executive Director Lilly Ajarova participating in tree Nursery Planting in Munteme Kyabigambire, Hoima District.