I am Sunday (it’s dangerous being a Chimpanzee)
Being a Chimpanzee is not the easiest thing in the world, I had to first live through it to know it. You see I was born in 1987 and captured by Uganda Wildlife Education Centre in 1989. When I got there, I was beside myself because finally, I had found refugee in the hands of […]
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Chimpanzee Trust at the NGO Summit this World Primate week
This September is designated to celebrate primates in the world. Chimpanzee Trust’s Executive Director- Dr Joshua Rukundo will be part of the guest speakers at the NGO Summit this World Primate Week. This week Chimpanzee Trust that manages Ngamba Island home to now 52 chimpanzees will be part of the protecting wildlife NGO summit. The […]
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Community-based solutions to Human-Wildlife Conflict
Chimpanzee Trust formed Village Saving and Loans Associations in 32 villages in Kikuube district to curb Human Wildlife conflict. In the past month, the Chimpanzee Trust Field team conducted routine monitoring of the village saving groups and parish Associations formed under the Human-Wildlife Conflict (HWC) resilience fund. The monitoring activity verified the resilience fund governance […]
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Ngamba Island Chimpanzee health check 2021
This year Ngamba chimpanzee health check 2021 commenced on 9th July and lasted for 10 days. The primate health policy at Ngamba Island indicates that the Trust shall provide the best possible health care to all chimpanzees in our care. This includes the development of a primate health program and activities, which include annual health […]
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COVID-19 and chimpanzee conservation in Uganda
During the COVID-19 Pandemic, chimpanzee conservation has been disrupted as well as the way of conducting businesses. We recieved a COVID-19 Rapid Response Grant which has enabled us to creat awareness for chimpanzee conservation. Our focus has been in the districts around the chimpanzee conservation corridor especially in Hoima and Kikube districts of Uganda. There […]
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Behaviour Research – Logical Thinking In Chimpanzees
The sanctuary has been conducting behavioural research and logical thinking in chimpanzees at Ngamba Island , for more than 20 years! This month we partnered with two visiting researchers from the University of California, Berkeley. Prof. Jan Engelmann and Dr. Hanna Schleihauf and are comparative psychologists working to study chimpanzee behaviour and cognition. During their […]
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Ngamba Island gets Gabions
Ngamba Island gets gabions after a year of flooding which caused a rise in water level by 1.8 M. Following the flooding that this caused, immediate and short-term solutions were deployed, including the use of sandbags to manage soil erosion that was causing damage to buildings and other structures, compromising their integrity and safety. It […]
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Conservation Education through Radio Drama
Chimpanzee Trust through its Education program has adopted conservation education through radio drama. This has been done through the production of a radio drama as an efficient and effective means of increasing the awareness of the public. This has been done specifically for communities living close to wildlife. Over the last 3-4years, the Trust has […]
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Resilience Fund for Associations
The resilience fund for associations under our project funded by Darwin fund “Community adaptability to the loss occasioned by wildlife’’ project. Chimpanzee Trust has mitigated Human-Wildlife Conflicts through the implementation of various interventions and among which involved the Human-Wildlife Conflict (HWC) management resilience fund. This is on its end tail and has to date improved […]
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