• restoring forests in albertine rift


    Restoring forest cover in the Albertine rift is one of the steps being taken towards the conservation of chimpanzee in Uganda. The Albertine rift valley is the corridor where you find habitats for chimpanzee in Uganda. There has been high rate of forest loss due to conversion to farmland for subsistence and commercial agriculture. This […]

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  • Tumbo grey haired chimpanzee

    Meet Tumbo the grey haired Chimpanzee

    For the countless who have visited Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary, you may recall Tumbo the grey haired chimpanzee. This was either during the memorable chimpanzee feeding times or in the chimpanzee sleeping area at Ngamba Island. Among humans, grey hair comes with age and presumed wisdom and respect, especially here in Uganda. We consider grey-haired […]

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  • Tree planting on Earth Day

    Chimpanzee Trust Joins the rest of the world to celebrate Earth Day

    The team at the Chimpanzee Trust has joined the global community to celebrate Earth Day 2020, raising awareness concerning Climate Action, the theme for this year. Whereas the COVID-19 pandemic has triggered unprecedented changes in the human lifestyle, it has helped us realize and better understand the impact of man’s activities. Many countries are in […]

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  • alternative crops used to stop human wildlife conflict

    Alternative food crops used to mitigate/stop human wildlife conflicts

    Human-Wildlife Conflict (HWC) is one of the biggest problems faced by farmers living in proximity to the chimpanzee habitat. The Chimpanzee Trust is implementing a project to mitigate the effects of this conflict, brought on by man’s destruction of wildlife habitat. This is in the areas around Bugoma Central Forest Reserve in Western Uganda. Bugoma […]

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    With the COVID-19 worldwide pandemic, many are navigating unchartered waters. At Ngamba Island, the management of the trust, with the support of our Board, has regretfully closed the sanctuary to all visitors. The world is yet again tested with a dangerous pathogen that has threatened our way of life. It is going to change how […]

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  • Note From Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary About COVID-19

    With the progression of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, the health, safety, and well-being of all the 50 chimpanzees, guests and staff remain our top priority. We are working closely with medical professionals, specialists and Uganda’s Ministry of Health regarding the necessary precautions to keep Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary secure and protected from the recent […]

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  • Human-Wildlife Conflict (HWC) in the Albertine Rift – Training of Farmers

    Human-Wildlife Conflict is one of the biggest problems faced by farmers living within the chimpanzee corridors in the Albertine Rift corridors of Western Uganda. The Chimpanzee Trust is implementing a project to mitigate the effects of this conflict, brought on by man’s destruction of wildlife habitat. The project, funded by the UK Aid’s Darwin Initiatives […]

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  • 5 Reasons to Visit Ngamba Island

    Written by Philip Briggs Ngamba Island is set in the tropical Ugandan waters of Lake Victoria. The formerly uninhabited island, which extends across 38.5ha/95ac was established in 1998 as a sanctuary for orphaned and other chimpanzees rescued from poachers. It was chosen because it supports a lush cover of near-pristine tropical rain forest including more […]

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  • Make a difference this Giving Tuesday

                        There is no better way to inspire the young generation in engaging in actions that promote the conservation of chimpanzees as a species than involving them in the real world challenges. This #GivingTuesday 3rd December 2019 we call upon all well-wishers to come together and […]

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  • Support the Amazing Work of Ngamba Island

    What if we all gave for the sustainability of Ngamba Island Chimps? Yes we can! On October 15th, 2019, our animal advocates will come together for a 24 hours of unprecedented giving day to support the amazing work of Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary through Giving Day for Apes. This Ape-giving day we plan to raise […]

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